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Here are some highlights of a study done by the ©Advertising Specialty Institute on the impact of promotional products. It provides some interesting information to consider when selecting imprinted ad specialty gifts for your clients. If you would like to see the entire study, let me know and I will send it to you in its entirety.
The purpose of this study was to understand how advertising specialties influence end-user’s purchasing decision; determine the number of impressions of popular advertising specialties; and analyze the Cost Per Impression (CPI) of advertising specialties compared with other popular advertising media.
Respondents were asked if they had received any promotional products in the last 12 months. Most respondents were business/professional people and all were age 21 or older.
Summary of Conclusions:
• Instant recall: 84% respondents remembered the advertisers of the promotional products they had received.
• Very Impressionable: 42% had MORE favorable impression of an advertiser after receiving the item. And 24% said they are MORE likely to do business with the advertiser on the items they receive.
• It’s all business: 62% have done business with the advertiser on a promotional product after receiving the item.
• Pens are in: Writing instruments are the most-recalled advertising specialty items (54% recall owning them), followed by shirts, caps, and bags.
• User-Friendly: 81% of promotional products were kept because they were considered useful.
• Staying power: More than three-quarter have had their items for more than 6 months.
• Bag It!: Among wearables, bags were reported to be used most frequently with respondents indicating that they used their bags an average of 9 times per month. Bags also deliver the most impressions: Each bag averages 1,038 impressions per month.
• Most Impressive: The average CPI of an advertising specialty item is $0.004; as a result, marketers get a more favorable return on investment from advertising specialties than nearly any other popular advertising media.
Commonly owned advertising specialty items:
• The most commonly owned promotional products among all respondents were writing instruments (54%) followed by shirts (45%) and caps (31%)
Usage: How often do you wear/use the item per month? (Asked to those who had shirts, caps, other wearables, and bags).
• Shirts – 4.32
• Caps – 6.06
• Other Wearables – 4.62
• Bags – 9.33
Number of Impressions:
Impressions were calculated based on the number of times items were worn or used per month and the average number of people that came in contact with the user.
• Bags made the highest number of impressions (approximately 1,038 per month) followed by caps (approximately 476 per month).
• Among non-wearables, writing instruments made the most impressions, with 363 per month.
Length of Time an Item is Held:
• More than one year:
o Bags – 42%
o Wearables – Shirts, caps, etc. 39%
o Other – 37%
o Recognition awards – 34%
o Glassware/Ceramics – 26%
Frequency of Use:
How often do you use the item? (Asked of those who had writing instruments, glassware/ceramics, desk/office/business accessories, and other promotional products).
• Nearly one-third (32%) of glassware/ceramics items received were used once per week and another one-quarter (25%) were used once per day.
• 40% of writing instruments were used at least two times per day.
• On average, writing instruments were used most frequently per month (approximately 64 times per month).
Are you able to identify the advertiser of the item?
• Respondents were able to identify the advertiser the vast majority of the time (84%).
• Wearables were the most often cited product where the recipient was familiar with the sponsor.
Why do you keep the item you received?
• The majority (81%) of promotional product items were kept because they were considered useful, i.e. bags, writing instruments, wearables, glassware/ceramics, desk/office/business accessories, and calendars.
• Receivers of wearables items were more likely to keep these items because they were considered attractive, i.e. bags, wearables, calendars, caps, and shirts.
Which of the following best describes your impression of the advertiser after receiving the item?
• Among respondents of all promotional products received, 42% indicated that their impression of the advertiser had become either significantly or somewhat more favorable after receiving the item.
• This was especially true among receivers of bags with over one-half (53%) reporting that they viewed the advertiser more favorably.
Since receiving the item, have you actually done any business with the advertiser?
• Among respondents of all promotional products received, 62% indicated that they had done business with the advertiser after receiving the item.
Total Impressions/Cost Per Impression (CPI):
• The cost per impression of ad specialties is very low, with fractions of a cent per impression, i.e. 0.004 average.
• Advertising specialties are less expensive per impression than nearly any other media.
Caps – 0.002
Bags – 0.002
Writing Instruments – 0.002
Calendars – 0.003
Glassware/Ceramics – 0.004
Shirts – 0.005
Desk/office/business accessories 0.007
Excerpted from 13 page 2008 study ©Advertising Specialty Institute. All Rights Reserved.
Again if you would like a copy of this 13 page report, let me know and I will send you a copy.
As you consider gifts for your clients and prospects this holiday season, consider ad specialty promotional products imprinted with your company logo. These are gifts that will keep on giving. A useful product your client will use with your contact information at their fingertips so they can call you for more business and/or refer you to others.
I also have some BOGO specials right now that I can also send or you can search for your perfect item at Let me know what you are interested in and I will be glad to get it ordered for you. Also, while you are on the website, be sure and register to win $1000 in promotional products. Be sure and list that I referred you.
I would also like to hear what advertising specialty item you currently have that is your favorite and why.
Happy Marketing,
Painted Lady Enterprises
“Helping You and Your Business Look Good”
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