From Woman's Day
Your comments are welcomed and appreciated.
the most wonderful time of the year-but also one of the most
stressful! Make the season more enjoyable by stopping stress in its
tracks with these 31 expert tips.
Here are five. Click the link below to view the entire list.
- Make a change. Take one task that drives you crazy during the holidays and tackle it in a new way. A fresh approach just might make a difference. For example, if you dread having to send out holiday cards, enlist your husband and split the list.
"Don't always go for bigger and better," when planning your holiday,
advises Loretta LaRoche, author of Life Is Not a Stress Rehearsal. "Does
the tree have to be bussed in from the hinterlands of Alaska?" she
quips. "Isn't a little bush enough?"
- That massive pile of holiday cards needs to get mailed ASAP, but just the thought of it gives you writer's cramp? "Refocus on what's most important to you," says life coach Linda Hedberg. "If you're overwhelmed with dozens of cards to send out, ask yourself, Which are the 10 most important ones?" Send those and put the rest on the back burner. Or just send cards electronically with a service like SendOutCards to everyone on your list. Bonus: It's eco-friendly!
- Donna Wallace of Shawano, Wisconsin, found that adding, rather than deleting, something from her to-do list made her Christmas feel less hectic. One year, she joined her church choir for the express purpose of singing with others in praise and celebration of the season. "It grounds you to acknowledge the spiritual side," says Donna.
- As you take part in trimming the tree or preparing the Christmas or Chanukah cookies with your kids, take a deep breath and savor the moment. Give yourself permission to forget about all those tasks still left on your to-do list.
Click Here to read the entire article and read all 31 tips.
Here are five. Click the link below to view the entire list.
- Make a change. Take one task that drives you crazy during the holidays and tackle it in a new way. A fresh approach just might make a difference. For example, if you dread having to send out holiday cards, enlist your husband and split the list.

- That massive pile of holiday cards needs to get mailed ASAP, but just the thought of it gives you writer's cramp? "Refocus on what's most important to you," says life coach Linda Hedberg. "If you're overwhelmed with dozens of cards to send out, ask yourself, Which are the 10 most important ones?" Send those and put the rest on the back burner. Or just send cards electronically with a service like SendOutCards to everyone on your list. Bonus: It's eco-friendly!
- Donna Wallace of Shawano, Wisconsin, found that adding, rather than deleting, something from her to-do list made her Christmas feel less hectic. One year, she joined her church choir for the express purpose of singing with others in praise and celebration of the season. "It grounds you to acknowledge the spiritual side," says Donna.
- As you take part in trimming the tree or preparing the Christmas or Chanukah cookies with your kids, take a deep breath and savor the moment. Give yourself permission to forget about all those tasks still left on your to-do list.
Click Here to read the entire article and read all 31 tips.
Your comments are welcomed and appreciated.
Wishing You and Yours a Very Merry Christmas and a Very Happy Prosperous New Year,
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