Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Year Resolutions - Getting Organized

Did you procrastinate?

Didn’t send Holiday Cards? Need to send Thank You cards? Actually, sending cards now can get you noticed (and in a positive way). Instead of your card getting lost in the shuffle of the busy Holiday season, sending a heartfelt personal card for the New Year is surely to make your greeting ‘stand out from the rest.’

Are you making your resolutions for the New Year? Is getting organized and simplifying your life at the top of your list?  Getting Organized seems to make my Resolution List every year. What I find with organizing that has helped me the most over time, is putting systems and tools in place that not only remind me but help make the task easier and saves time and money. Here are two testimonials from two professional organizers who endorse as well as uses such a system.

Sending Christmas cards to all my clients was a breeze, using Send Out Cards with “custom shared” greeting cards. Send Out Cards saved me lots of time this holiday season: my client list is already loaded so I was able to hand-select who to send cards to, I had the cards “done” in November but had the campaign sent in December, and, of course, I didn’t have to address envelopes or slap on stamps – what a time-saving service!
Dawn McCloskey
Ultra Organized, LLC
Member: National Association of Professional Organizers (NAPO) and the NAPO Georgia Chapter
"From chaos comes order"

Send Out Cards is the perfect service to help any company or individual stay organized. I consider Send Out Cards essential when organizing a client’s home or office. I organize both residentially and commercially and Send Out Cards is perfect for families and businesses alike. With Send Out Cards you can easily upload all your contacts, set reminders, even make cards ahead of time and set them to send on a certain date. With a feature like this, even the busiest of clients can find the time to sit down once a month and send cards for all birthdays, anniversaries and other needs. Send Out Cards also allows you to create your own handwriting font so your cards even have your personal touch. Businesses can upload logos and other marketing pieces, making it the perfect tool to promote your business in a cost effective manner. Save time and money and become more organized in 2009 by using Send Out Cards.
Sharon L. Hess
Mommy Management, Inc.
2260 Rushmore Drive Suite P
Marietta, Ga. 30062

So whether you want to send Happy New Year greetings or send Thank you cards or both, this greeting card system offers lots of great cards with New Year’s greetings and 1000s of great cards for every other occasion. Ring in 2009 with beautiful and thoughtful Happy New Year Cards for your family, friends, clients, and prospects. You can get very creative by customizing with colors, fonts, and images/photos to create wonderfully personalized cards that are unique and different. Wish your loved ones and clients joy and happiness in the coming year with an exceptional card from today!

Being one who has always been a card sender, this card system provided that system for me and so much more. It provides the tools within the system that helps me to save time all year long. No more driving to the store, post office, stocking cards, (not to mention still not having just the right card when I needed it) and then trying to remember to mail it at the appropriate time. This service has solved all these issues for me.

I invite you to try the system yourself. Experience a demonstration and send a couple of cards with my compliments. Log onto to register for a complimentary gift account.

I will be glad answer your questions and/or send you additional information. Get started today saving time and money. Find out how to set up your starter account.

Happy New Year and Happy Organizing!

In gratitude,


Resolve to Simplify Your Card Sending this year. Log on and find out how to create, personalize, and mail your cards with just a few mouse clicks. Send them a REAL greeting card with my compliments
"Helping You and Your Business Look Good"

Sunday, December 28, 2008



Did you hear it? It was the sound of the holidays coming and going or you could say the whole year. I thought it was just me, but I heard a number of people say that this year just flew by.

I love the holidays. I wish they didn’t come and go so fast. I spoke to a client the day after Christmas and asked her how she enjoyed her holidays and she said fine, but she was glad it was over. To me that is so sad. It is the one time of the year that I get to see most all of my children and family all at one time even if it is for only a couple of hours. Yes it’s a lot of work to get everything ready, the house cleaned, the decorations up, gifts bought, etc. etc., but to me it’s worth it. I just wish it lasted a little longer. It makes me want time to just stand still for a little while.

My oldest daughter stayed an extra day and we went to see a movie which was fun and relaxing. As I watch my grandchildren grow up so fast, I wish I lived closer to them so I could see and be with them more often. Maybe it wouldn’t seem like they grow several inches when I do see them.

Now it’s time to start making plans and goals for the New Year. To try and make each day count. To look back and reflect on last year and make plans to do better and keep the resolutions that didn’t quite see fruition this past year. To work smarter, not harder. To enjoy life…each and every minute. To make time for the important things so that this time next year we don’t hear that giant Whoosh and wonder what happened to the year.

This past year was a great year. I cannot complain. It was jammed packed and I have some great memories to cherish. Here’s to continuing to Thrive in 2009!

Happy New Year!

In gratitude,

Resolve to Simplify Your Card Sending this year. Log on and find out how to create, personalize, and mail your cards with just a few mouse clicks. Send them a REAL greeting card with my compliments Painted Lady Greeting Cards

Gifts, Greeting Cards, and Promotional Products

"Helping You and Your Business Look Good"

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Scattered, Smothered, and Covered

It's been a while since I have written something like this. I think it must have something to do with finally feeling better after being sick with the 'crud' as we refer to it in our family for the past two months. Anyway read on to find out what I was pondering today.

I think someone should open a cross between Starbucks and Waffle House. There are some of us with computers who want/need to get online and also want scattered, smothered and covered. Or is there a place like that and I just don't know about it. Well if there is, it's not around here or if it is, I don't know about it.

Why you ask am I pondering this? As I sat in the Atlanta Bread Company today waiting on my slow computer connection, eating my soup and somewhat dry bread, watching it rain....I see, Yep you guessed it.. Waffle House right around the street. Man I thought, I would have rather had eggs and cheese and grits and raisin toast. But alas, Waffle House doesn't serve Chai Tea. So that's when I came up with the idea...Someone needs to open a WaffStarBuck House for those who want our Chai Tea AND Scattered Smothered and Covered! What do you think? Why not? There are McDonald's that are adding WI-FI, why not Waffle House.

Tune in again soon to see what else I might be pondering.

Make it a Great Day!

Follow me on Twitter - PaintedLady1

Monday, December 1, 2008

Are Your Greeting Cards Done Yet?

Well it's December and the holidays are fast approaching whether you like it or not. Christmas is my favorite time of the year. It's just all the preperation leading up to it that gets me in a panic, wondering how in the world I'm going to get everything done.

One thing I can check off my list is the task of sending my greeting cards. Since I found this wonderful greeting card system over two years ago, sending my holiday cards is a snap. After I finally decide on my theme and design, it's a breeze. I can send a unique personalized card to everyone on my list and even send gifts or gift cards to those out of town that I won't be seeing over the holidays. I love to receive and send cards throughout the year. I guess that's why I enjoy this business so much and I like helping others with their cards too.

I'm also going to be sending greeting cards from Santa again this year. It's my third year to do this. It is so much fun creating cards for all the little ones who still believe in Santa Claus. I just wish I could be there when they get their personalized cards and see the expressions on their little faces. I love hearing from everyone about how surprised their child was and how they had to read the card to them over and over again.

Sending cards is just one of my favorite things about the Holiday season. I love the music, the decorations, all the good food, and of course seeing and visiting with family and friends.

Now if the cleaning and organizing fairy will show up and get busy, maybe I'll be ready by the time all the family starts arriving.

Happy Holidays,

Are your Holiday Cards done yet? Log on and find out how to create, personalize, and mail your cards with just a few mouse clicks. Send them a REAL greeting card with my compliments from Painted Lady Greeting Cards

Gifts, Greeting Cards, and Promotional Products

"Helping You and Your Business Look Good"

Saturday, November 22, 2008

How Gratitude can bring an increase in your bottom line!

I hauled myself out of bed the other morning at 4AM in order to attend a Breakfast networking meeting that was entitled 'How Gratitude can bring an increase in your bottom line!' When I first got the invitation to this meeting, I thought Oh Boy! This is right up my alley. But after a long week at getting up early going to meetings and then attending more late night meetings also, not to mention suffering from a head cold and sinus infection going on 4 weeks now, when the alarm went off, I thought, OMG what was I thinking. I got ready anyway because I had to pick up my team mate who had registered and paid for us to go.

It was very well worth the trip. It was not your typical business meeting. This is a new group focused on all the right aspects of business. The very first exercise we did was to talk with those at our table and to tell what we were grateful for not in our business, but in our life. That was different, but it is close to Thanksgiving, so I could understand. But as the presentation went on, I began to see the true theme of the meeting and the organization. It was very refreshing because it hit right on my core values and beliefs, that of building relationships with people and trying to establish a helpful giving attitude will come back to you ten fold.

I go to a lot of face to face networking meetings of all kinds and meet a lot of people. My primary purpose, of course, like everyone else, it to find new business. Along the way I meet a lot of people who are doing the same thing. Now we all know we can’t all do business with each other, however we can try and help each other. How you ask? Listen and ask questions. Find out about the person and their business, what makes them unique and different from others in their industry. One of the questions that you can ask, which was presented in this meeting, “Why should I do business with you?” Try that one sometimes and you’ll be surprised at the answers you get. Also think about what you would say if someone asked you that question. Now you still might not need their services at the moment, but you can use that information in a number of ways.

Here are five things you can do:

• Introduce that person to a good referral partner for them. Example: Introduce a Real Estate person to a mortgage broker.
• Suggest/invite them to other networking meetings, groups, organizations, etc. that they might attend. I have a ‘Networking Opportunities’ list posted on my website that I refer people to.
• If it’s someone you really want to establish a relationship with, make the effort to follow up with them. Send them a note or card. Call and set up a meeting for coffee with the intention of ‘How can we help each other’ or ‘I want to get to know you and understand your business better.’
• File their info, so you will have it when you hear someone needs that service. Establish yourself as a ‘Who do you know that does?”
• Refer that person whenever possible.

Here is an example of how gratitude helped my bottom line this week. I help co-host a women’s monthly networking meeting. We had a professional organizer who attended our meetings a few times. She impressed me because besides just introducing herself and telling about her business, she would offer helpful tips on organizing. We established some rapport and she started using my greeting card service for which I was grateful. When someone asks if I know an organizer, I refer them to her. One of the referrals was to my sister in law, who just raved about the ideas and information she provided, and she would definitely be using her services. I also asked her to be a speaker at an upcoming business meeting in January. So even though I have not used her services personally, I know she’s very good and knowledgeable at what she does and she is very reliable.

Here’s where the story gets interesting. I recently acquired a new client for my greeting card business and when I talked with her and asked how she found out about me and my service, she said she had been a speaker at a recent meeting of which my friend the organizer had sent her a thank you card. Do you turn cards over to see what brand it is? My website was printed on the back of the card. She liked the card so much, she set up her own account, tried it, liked it, and then upgraded. Was I grateful? You better believe it. I not only sent a Thank You card, but a gift as well.

So, I believe, the point of all this is showing gratitude and appreciation and helping others can help to build your business because they in turn will do the same for us.

I leave you with these quotes:

God gave you a gift of 86,400 seconds today. Have you used one to say "thank you?" ~William A. Ward

Silent gratitude isn't much use to anyone. ~G.B. Stern

“Send Out to Give” Kody Bateman

“What goes around, comes around” - Proverb quote

Happy Thanksgiving to You and Yours!

In gratitude,
Annette S. Walden

Are your Holiday Cards done yet? Log on and find out how to create, personalize, and mail your cards with just a few mouse clicks. Register for a Gift Account and send them a REAL greeting card with my compliments at Painted Greeting Cards.

Gifts, Greeting Cards, and Promotional Products
"Helping You and Your Business Look Good"

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Being Gracious in Business

It’s the holiday season I can already tell. It seems that this time of the year people’s nerves seem to be on edge. Or is the economy or a combination of both? Or is it that some individuals who are in business just don’t understand that being gracious in business dealings will help to build a lasting relationship with a client or potential client. And hopefully that lasting relationship will lead to future business and/or referrals.

Here are some of my recent musings that have prompted me to write this blog.

Sometimes people may not need your product or service when you initially talk with them. If you’re gracious during your interaction, they might remember you the next time someone says, “Do you know someone who sells XYZ?” Or they may even come back to you months later and say OK now the time is right and I want to buy your product or service.

Sometimes you may order something and when you received it, it just wasn’t what you expected. And if the person is gracious about letting you return it, you might be more apt to try and do business with them the next time you were looking for other products that they sell.

Sometimes people just don’t respond to your time table. People are busy. Life happens. People forget. Your priorities are not their priorities. I’ve always heard that sugar works better than vinegar or if life hands you lemons, make lemonade. Sometimes a gentle nudge as a reminder works a whole lot better than sending a nasty gram/email. You never know what problems or issues they may be dealing with.

Sometimes having a cheerful, positive, and helpful attitude will promote you and your business far more than you know. I recently helped to put together a Holiday and Gift Bazaar. We did a lot of work promoting it, but we did not have the turn out that we had wanted. Most everyone was gracious and understanding and blamed it on the economy, etc. I was very impressed with one individual whose attitude and actions went far beyond my expectations. She even sent us a thank you note telling us how much she appreciated how professional everything was done and that she appreciated all our efforts. Now, she sells a product that I typically purchase from someone else, but because of her graciousness, the next time I am in need of this product, I will be ordering from her, referring her, and finding ways I can help her with her business.

And Sometimes I have been know to lose my cool as a consumer and pull out the ‘B’ card. I regret it when I do. Recently I had been trying to get an issue resolved. The person I was dealing with had done a wonderful job except for one little thing and she was a friend. She had to work through her company for a solution. I have to give her credit; she handled herself and me very graciously. She found and provided me with an acceptable resolution. I had been giving her glowing testimonials, but after that I am even more ingratiated to her. I recommend her every chance I get and I will do business with her again.

Here are some quotes to consider for doing business. I offer them for us to ponder this holiday season and throughout the year.

• Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
• If you help enough people get want they want, you’ll get what you want. Zig Zilar
• Givers Gain – Ivan Misner
• Courtesies of a small and trivial character are the ones which strike deepest in the grateful and appreciating heart. ~Henry Clay
• Gratitude is merely the secret hope of further favors. ~François Duc de La Rochefoucauld
• It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice. ~Author Unknown
• Treat everyone with politeness, even those who are rude to you - not because they are nice, but because you are. ~Author Unknown
• Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see. ~Mark Twain
• The fragrance always lingers in the hand that gives the flower

I hope the saying that ‘Nice guys (gals) finish last’ isn’t true. And even if it is, I would rather be remembered as being gracious in my business dealings.

In gratitude,
Annette S. Walden
Marketing Solutions Consultant

"Helping you and your business look good!"

Gifts, Greeting Cards, Promotional Products, & Business Resources

Monday, November 3, 2008

The Artful Table

Today's blog is about a fun event that took place locally this past weekend, 'The Artful Table.'

The Dawson County arts council held it’s second “Artful Table” luncheon this past weekend. It was a fund raiser for a local art council. Tables were decorated for the luncheon. All types of people and groups signed up to decorate tables using all types of themes. The men who were the servers for the luncheon are on the board of the arts council. This year was a sold out event with over 100 people attending.

I had the idea to sign up to decorate a table using greeting cards with the theme ‘Send Out to Give.’ I talked two of my friends and fellow distributors into helping. I knew between the three of us, we could come up with a beautiful table. After some tedious planning and staging hours, trips to the store, the washing and polishing of dishes and silver, we pulled it all together. Our table was beautiful. I think we even surprised ourselves.

The luncheon was wonderful. We met lots of wonderful people, had lots of comments and compliments on our table, and some interest in the greeting cards. Each person who attended voted on their favorite table. The tables were incredible. The creativity was just unbelievable. Although our table didn’t win, we had a great time and it was a very enjoyable day.

Here is a link on my Facebook account to view all the tables:

In gratitude,
Painted Lady Enterprises
"Helping You and Your Business Look Good"

Monday, October 27, 2008

Why are some businesses and sales people thriving in today’s economy?

Because these are the companies that have shown their clients that they truly appreciate them and their business. They have built a solid relationship with them. They have got to know them on a more personal level. Not only do their clients keep buying from them but they give them referrals.

Here are some ways that companies can show their clients appreciation.
• Taking the time to build the relationship.
• Finding out about their needs, their goals, and their vision.
• Treating them more as a business partner.
• Something as simple as sending them a note or card thanking them for their business at some time besides when they have just placed an order.
• Helping them even if it doesn't mean money in your pocket.
• Introducing them to another business partner that might help them with their goal/vision.

Many businesses and sales people who sell large ticket items, i.e. cars, real estate, etc., can benefit from relationship marketing. By building the relationship and keeping in touch with their clients is a great referral source. I refer to these clients as a “Golden Referral Source.”

If the sales person has built a solid relationship with their client, found them the perfect, home, car, etc., AND stays in touch with them over the years ahead, they will receive referrals from that client for years to come. The best example I have is a couple I know who sell real estate. I am not a client of theirs now, but when I do buy or sell, they will be who I call.

Here are some examples of how they stay in touch with their past clients and potential clients:
• They send a beautiful magazine from them each month on home decor.
• They give out a small magnetic yearly calendar with their business card around Thanksgiving,
• They give a baseball schedule in the spring, a football schedule in the fall. The football schedule is for the two major colleges in the area and the pro team.
• They send an email newsletter each month
• They send birthday and wedding anniversary cards.
• And they an anniversary card on the date of the anniversary that their clients closed on their home that they purchased through them.

I've never bought a thing from them, but you better believe when someone asks me for a real estate person, they are the ones I refer, simply because they go beyond the call of duty.

Some companies are cutting their prices to keep their clients in today's economy. If a company has a quality product, outstanding service, is dependable, and has built a solid relationship, then that customer is not going to stray just because they might save a few dollars. They realize that the relationship and service they have received is worth a whole lot more. Not only are they not going to stray they will be a 'Golden Referral Source.'

Here are some inexpensive ways to stay in front of your clients.
• Follow up with a phone call, offer industry information on a periodic basis like an email newsletter.
• Mailing them something personal not bulk or junk mail.
• Personal visit to their place of business and not necessarily to make a sale.
• Be their business partner. Take a personal interest in their success. Zig Ziglar says that if you help enough people to get what they want, you’ll get what you want.

Remember that it is more costly to find a new customer than it is to maintain and keep the ones you currently have. If you maintain 5% of your current clientele you can double your business. Because they will come back to you time and time again and will refer others to you.

Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out. Robert Collier

In gratitude,
Annette S. Walden
Marketing Solutions Consultant

"Helping you and your business look good!"

Gifts, Greeting Cards, Promotional Products, & Business Resources

Friday, October 17, 2008

10 business practices you can implement for a greener business

Updated 1/23/16 - Unfortunately this article no longer exists - From the American Business Women's Company Connecting Online Newsletter. In this issue, learn the 10 business practices you can implement for a greener business and Yours Truly has an article published written by Mia Katz, page 2.

However, I did find this link which provides some great ways to be 'Green in business ' - Green Business Practices. 

In gratitude,

Send Out to Give - Act on Your Promptings - Who needs to hear from you today? Send them a REAL greeting card with my compliments

Gifts, Greeting Cards, and Promotional Products

"Helping You and Your Business Look Good"

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

How do I stay in front of my prospects and customers? I’m worried that out of sight translates into out of mind.

I love it when I find or receive information from experts that reconfirms the marketing products and services that I offer. I read this and just went WOW…did she write this for me or what!

I had the great pleasure of hearing Liz Goodgold with Red Fire Branding,, speak several months ago. She is just a wealth of information on a common sense approach to marketing. Here is an excerpt from her latest e-zine that I just received.


The good news is that you recognize that people must think of you in order to do business with you. Earning top of mind awareness can translate into over the top sales. Here are a few action items you can implement:

1. Thank you Cards - Who in their live feels that they are over appreciated? (Not me!) A simple, handwritten, snail mailed card to thank someone for a little extra effort is a welcoming touch.

2. E-mail Newsletters - Yes, this tactic works, but only if it offers timely, useful, and valuable. E-mail newsletters that are all about you without delivering value are destined for the delete button.

3. Speaking - Offering your knowledge to a trade group meeting or monthly get-together positions you as the expert. You don’t have to become a professional speaker (no more competition, please!), but you do have to have an organized, coherent talk peppered with real examples. Audience members become your prospects and your referral base.

4. Relevant Premiums - Remember that the goal is not share of desk (how much real estate can I capture with my imprinted stapler, Post-It Note pad, ruler or pen), but rather share of mind. If you are an orthodontist, like Dr. Melanie Parker, your pen isn’t an ordinary pen, but a severely crooked one that represents the state of her patients’ teeth. Or, perhaps it is a simple fly swatter, compliments of Lloyd’s Pest Control. As long as it relates to your business and your prospects, it works!

One easy way is to literally keep your name in front of prospects is by placing it when and where they are. Bill Howe plumbing always puts stickers on customers’ pipes just in case there is a leak.

Discount Purifiers of San Diego places its information on water filters, and 1-800-APPLIANCE supplies magnets for your refrigerator to increase recall.

Sean Farrell, a top Mercedes Benz salesman, succeeds by being a wealth of information about the great bells and whistles found on the new models. One of my favorite tactics is that he programs his phone number into your car’s phone memory database. He’s always there when you need him. Vroom!

By Liz Goodgold from Red Fire Branding e-Zine.

In gratitude,
Annette S. Walden
Marketing Solutions Consultant

"Helping you and your business look good!"

Gifts, Greeting Cards, Promotional Products, & Business Resources

Thursday, October 2, 2008


I was going through my files today and came across this and thought I would share.

A-void negative sources, people, things and habits.

B -elieve in yourself.
C -onsider things from every angle.
D -on't give up and don't give in.
E -njoy life today: yesterday is gone and tomorrow may never come.
F -amily and Friends are hidden treasures. Seek them and enjoy their riches.
G -ive more than you planned to give.
H -ang on to your dreams.
I -gnore those who try to discourage you.
J -ust do it!
K -eep on trying, no matter how hard it seems. It will get better.
L -ove yourself first and foremost.
M -ake it happen.
N -ever lie, cheat, or steal. Always strike a fair deal.
O -pen your eyes and see things as they really are.
P -ractice makes perfect.
Q -uitters never win and winners never quit.
R -ead, study and learn about everything important in your life.
S -top procrastinating.
T -ake control of your own destiny.
U -nderstand yourself in order to better understand others.
V -isualize it.
W -ant it more than anything.
X -ccelerate your efforts.
Y -ou are unique of all of Nature's creations. Nothing can replace you.
Z -ero in on your target, and go for it!!

A -void negative sources, people, things and habits. B -elieve in yourself. C -onsider things from every angle. D -on't give up and don't give in. E -njoy life today: yesterday is gone and tomorrow may never come. F -amily and Friends are hidden treasures. Seek them and enjoy their riches. G -ive more than you planned to give. H -ang on to your dreams. I -gnore those who try to discourage you. J -ust do it! K -eep on trying, no matter how hard it seems. It will get better. L -ove yourself first and foremost. M -ake it happen. N -ever lie, cheat, or steal. Always strike a fair deal. O -pen your eyes and see things as they really are. P -ractice makes perfect. Q -uitters never win and winners never quit. R -ead, study and learn about everything important in your life. S -top procrastinating. T -ake control of your own destiny. U -nderstand yourself in order to better understand others. V -isualize it. W -ant it more than
anything. X -ccelerate your efforts. Y -ou are unique of all of Nature's creations. Nothing can replace you. Z -ero in on your target, and go for it!!

As Mike Dooley says....Thoughts Become Things....Choose the good ones!

In gratitude,
Painted Lady Enterprises

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Recession Proof Your Business

Thank a Customer a day –

Did you know acquiring a new customer can cost 8 to 10 times more than retaining an existing one; this can be a costly approach. According to customer relationship management experts, companies can increase revenue by 50% if they retain only 5% more of their customers.

Businesses lose business because they don’t keep in regular touch with their customers and clients? They have good intentions for personal communication with them but just can't find the time? It is also said that customers go somewhere else due to perceived indifference. Remember to appreciate your customers or someone else will.

If you are a successful business owner, you know the value of building relationships with your customers. Part of that starts with showing your customers that you appreciate their business and that you care. Do you want to DOUBLE your sales?
Do you want every one of your customers to come back and buy from you again and again? Do you want referrals? Do you want them to remember you when they talk to family and friends?

Would you like a stream of endless referrals?

All you have to do is simply THANK A CUSTOMER A DAY.
That's the advice from the world's leading sales gurus who stress the importance of the customer AFTER the sale.

THINK about this. When was the last time someone thanked YOU for YOUR purchase? For your on-going business? Or for a referral? Sent you a birthday card? An Anniversary card?

Usually it makes you feel appreciated and valued, and makes you want to do business with that person again and again and refer them to other family and friends.
Too often we know this, but do not do it because it's to time consuming or costly. But if it costs 8 to 10 times more to get new customers, why not take the time to retain the ones we have. Let your customers and clients know you care. If you don’t show your customers you appreciate them, someone else will.

Happy Thanking!
"Changing Lives, One Card at a Time"

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Follow-up is Key to Success

The Fortune is in the Follow-up

But What and How do You do it? Or Have it done unto You?

Here are some key statistics on follow up:

48% of sales people never follow up with a prospect
25% of sales people make a second contact and stop
12% of sales people only make three contacts and stop
Only 10% of sales people make more than three contacts
2% of sales are made on the first contact
3% of sales are made on the second contact
5% of sales are made on the third contact
10% of sales are made on the fourth contact
80% of sales are made on the fifth to twelfth contact

Being in the marketing business I often have people make the statement to me, “Well when I get some customers I will use your product and service.” Huh?

So I ask….how do you follow up with your prospects? And I get varied answers depending on the business. Sometimes I see this blank look on their face and I know they belong to the 48%.

I relate the selling process to that of dating or the really old fashion term - courting. Now I know things have changed a great deal in regards to dating, but think about it. We want the prospects to notice us, to like us, trust us, like our product or service. How do you do that if it’s not ‘Love at First Site?’

We get blasted with all types of media, print ads, direct mail, emails, and the list goes on for products and services that everyone thinks and knows we need before we know we think we need or want it.

So my question is ….. What do you pay attention to in relation to a salesperson’s follow-up? What gets your attention? Email? Direct Mail – (something that is obliviously a form letter)? Personal Mail? Phone calls?

How do you prefer a salesperson to follow up with you? How do you wish to be courted? How does a salesperson gain your respect and trust?

These are the questions I ponder since I am in the relationship marketing business. My goal is to help businesses build relationships with clients and prospects for a source of endless referrals. So when someone makes the statement “I’ll call you when I get some clients….” Are they saying I don’t have any money to spend on your product or service or they just don’t understand good old fashion ‘courting?’

Happy Courting!
Painted Lady Enterprises
Gifts, Greeting Cards, & Promotional Products
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